The data you can download is zipped in files limited to 2GB.
Four types of data are availables:
Sequences bigger than 2GB have been cut in parts, so the sequences may consist in up to 7 parts.
The zip file contains a whole of color ppm images corresponding to the frames of a video flow from one camera.
Theses images are named as follow: seqName_[left/right]_ImageId(%010d)_timeStamp.ppm
The zip file contains two files: the wav file, which is calibrated and ready to be used, and .info file containing the date at which the recording started.
Because the audio recording and the video recording have not been made on the same computer, the times may be slightly different.
The tracker data is only available when the head is moving in the sequence
The zip file contains a text file including the coordinates generated by the CYCLOPE optical tracker.
This file explains the formatting of the data.
The zip file contains a text file including the calibration data of the stereovision system.
The calibration consists in the internal parameters, the external parameters and the rectification matrices.
This file explains the content of the calibration file.