Horodniceanu family tree General index of family members

Mathias Horaud (1993) Birthday: 18 March

Parents : Radu Horaud and Brigitte Le Hir


Mathias was born in Echirolles (near Grenoble) on March 18, 1993. He is the son of Radu Horaud and of Brigitte Le Hir. Among others, Mathias is fond of football, ski, snowboarding, swimming, and water-polo. He plays drums with the Meylan youth harmonic orchestra.

Mathias's mother family is from two villages which are 60-70 kilometers South of Grenoble: Quet-en-Beaumont and Côtes-de-Corp. One of her grand-grand-fathers (Pierre Le Hir) is from the French region of Bretagne.

This picture was taken on a trip to Mont Obiou with his father, he was 10 years old (Fall 2003).